Monday, March 4, 2019

Nursing questions Essay

The sop up is performing her admission sagacity of a un plain. When equalisation arterial nervous impulses, a 1+ pulse indicatesAbove normal perfusion. polish off perfusion.Normal perfusion.Diminished perfusion.Murmurs that indicate heart disease are oftentimes accompanied by other symptoms such as Dyspnea on exertion.Subcutaneous emphysema.Thoracic petechiae.Periorbital edema.Which pregnancy- cogitate physiologic compound would place the uncomplaining with a history of gondola cardiac disease at the greatest risk of create severe cardiac problems? Decrease heart rateDecreased cardiac output additiond plasma volumeIncreased blood wedgeThe priority care for diagnosis for the persevering of with cardiomyopathy is Anxiety related to risk of declining health status.Ineffective individual coping related to upkeep of debilitating illness Fluid volume excess related to adapted compensatory mechanisms. Decreased cardiac output related to reduced myocardial contractility. A patient with thrombophlebitis reached her expected outcomes of care. Her change leg appears pink and warm. Her pedal pulse is palpable and there is no edema present. Which step in the care for process is described above?PlanningImplementationAnalysis military rankAn elderly patient may devour put out a basilar skull fracture after slipping and falling on an icy sidewalk. The defend knows that basilar skull factures Are the least significant type of skull fracture.May have political campaign cerebrospinal silver-tongued (CSF) leaks from the nose or ears. Have no characteristic findings.Are always surgi strainy repaired.Which of the following types of medicates might be given to control increased intracranial pressure sensation (ICP)?BarbituratesCarbonic anhydrase inhibitorsAnticholinergicsHistamine sense organ blockersThe nanny is teaching family members of a patient with a concussion about the early(a) signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Which of the follow ing would she cite as an early sign of increased ICP? Decreased systolic blood pressureHeadache and vomitingInability to wake the patient with noxious stimuliDilated pupils that siret react to lightJessie James is diagnosed with retinal detachment. Which intervention is the more or less important for this patient? Admitting him to the hospital on strict bed equipoisePatching both of his centre of attentionsReferring him to an ophthalmologistPreparing him for military operationDr. Bruce Owen, a chemist, sustained a chemical burn to single eye. Which intervention dashs priority for a patient with a chemical burn of the eye? Patch the affected eye and call the ophthalmologist.Administer a cycloplegic agent to reduce ciliated spasm.Immediately in til now a tropical anesthetic, then irrigate the eye with saline solution. Administer antibiotics to reduce the risk of transmission systemThe nanny-goat is assessing a patient and notes a Brudzinskis sign and Kernigs sign. These are two classic signs of which of the following turnovers? Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)MeningitisSeizure dis reviseParkinsons diseaseA patient is admitted to the hospital for a brain biopsy. The control knows that the close to green type of primary brain tumor is Meningioma.Angioma.Hemangioblastoma.Glioma.The nurse should instruct the patient with Parkinsons disease to avoid which of the following? walk in an indoor shopping mallSitting on the garnish on a cool summer eveningWalking to the car on a cold winter twenty-four hour periodSitting on the beach in the sun on a summer dayGary Jordan suffered a cerebrovascular accident that left her unable to comprehend destination and unable to speak. This type of aphasia is known as Receptive aphasiaExpressive aphasia spheric aphasiaConduction aphasiaKelly Smith complains that her headaches are occurring more frequently despite medications. Patients with a history of headaches should be taught to avoid Freshly prepared meats.Citrus f ruits. lick milkChocolateImmediately following cerebral aneurysm rupture, the patient usually complains of PhotophobiaExplosive headacheSeizuresHemiparesisWhich of the following is a cause of embolic brain injury?Persistent hypertensionSubarachnoid hemorrhageatrial fibrillationSkull fractureAlthough Ms. Priestly has a spinal cord injury, she can still have sexual intercourse. Discharge teaching should make her aware that She essential remove indwelling urinary catheter prior to intercourse. She can no protracted achieve orgasm.Positioning may be awkward.She can still earn pregnant.Ivy Hopkins, age 25, suffered a cervical fracture requiring immobilization with nimbus cloud traction. When sympathize with for the patient in halo traction, the nurse must continue a wrench taped to the halo vest for quick remotion if cardiopulmonary resuscitation is necessary. Remove the brace once a day to quit the patient to rest.Encourage the patient to use a pillow below the ring.Remove the b race so that the patient can shower.The nurse asks a patients husband if he understands why his wife is receiving nimodipine (Nimotop), since she suffered a cerebral aneurysm rupture. Which response by the husband indicates that he understands the drugs use? Nimodipine replaces calcium.Nimodipine promotes growth of blood vessels in the brain. Nimodipine reduces the brains demand for oxygen.Nimodipine reduces vasospasm in the brain.Many men who suffer spinal injuries continue to be sexually active. The teaching plan for a man with a spinal cord injury should include sexually concerns. Which of the following injuries would nigh likely prevent erection and ejaculation? C5C7T4S4Cathy Bates, age 36, is a housewife who frequently forgets to remove her carbamazepine (Tegretol). As a result, she has been experiencing seizures. How can the nurse outperform help the patient remember to take her medication? Tell her take her medication at bedtime.Instruct her to take her medication after on e of her favorite television shows. Explain that she should take her medication with breakfast.Tell her to deal an alarm watch to remind her.Richard Barnes was diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis. What response by the patient indicates that he understands the precautions necessary withthis diagnosis? Im so dispirit because I cant have any visitors for a week. convey legalness, Ill only be in isolation for 24 hours. The nurse told me that my urine and stool are similarly sources of meningitis bacteria. The doctor is a good friend of mine and wont keep me in isolation. An early symptom associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) includes Fatigue while talking intensify in mental statusNumbness of the commits and feetSpontaneous fracturesWhen caring for a patient with esophageal varices, the nurse knows that bleeding in this disorder usually stems from Esophageal perforationPulmonary hypertensionPortal hypertensionpeptic ulcersTiffany Black is diagnosed with type A hepa titis. What special precautions should the nurse take when caring for this patient? Put on a mask and gown ahead entering the patients room. Wear gloves and a gown when removing the patients bedpan. Prevent the droplet spread of the organism.Use caution when bringing feed to the patient.Discharge instructions for a patient who has been operated on for colorectal malignant neoplastic disease include irrigating the colostomy. The nurse knows her teaching is effective when the patient states hell connexion the doctor if He experiences abdominal cramping while the irrigant is infusing He has difficulty inserting the irrigation piping into the stoma He expels flatus while the return is running out.Hes unable to complete the procedure in 1 hour.The nurse explains to the patient who has an abdominal perineal resection that an indwelling urinary catheter must be kept in place for several days afterward because It prevents urinary tract infection following surgery.It prevents urine rete ntion and resulting pressure on the perineal wound It minimizes the risk of wound contamination by the urine.It determines whether the surgery caused bladder trauma .The first day after, surgery the nurse finds no measurable fecal drainpipe from a patients colostomy stoma. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention? Call the doctor immediately.Obtain an order to irrigate the stoma.Place the patient on bed rest and call the doctor.Continue the current plan of care.If a patients GI tract is functioning but hes unable to take foods by mouth, the preferred method of feeding isTotal parenteral nutrimentPeripheral parenteral nutritionEnteral nutritionOral semiliquid supplementsWhich type of solution causes irrigate to shift from the cells into the plasma? HypertonichypotonicIsotonicAlkalineParticles move from an area of greater osmelarity to one of lesser osmolarity through Active transportOsmosisDiffusionFiltrationWhich assessment finding indicates vapour?Tenting of chest skin when pinchedRapid filling of hand stainsA pulse that isnt easily obliteratedNeck vein distentionWhich nursing intervention would most likely lead to a hypo-osmolar state? Performing nasogastric tube irrigation with normal saline solution weighing the patient dailyAdministering tap water enema until the return is occurEncouraging the patient with excessive perspiration to dink broth Which assessment finding would indicate an extracellular fluid volume deficit? BradycardiaA central venous pressure of 6 mm Hg disorderliness edemaAn orthostatic blood pressure changeA patient with metabolic acidosis has a preexisting problem with the kidneys. Which other organ helps vex blood pH? LiverPancreasLungsheartThe nurse fences the patient anuric if the patientVoids during the nighttime hoursHas a urine output of less than carbon ml in 24 hoursHas a urine output of at least 100 ml in 2 hoursHas pain and desirous on urinationWhich nursing action is appropriate to prevent infection when ob taining a unfruitful urine specimen from an indwelling urinary catheter? pull urine from the tubing port using a sterile spray and needle Disconnect the catheter from the tubing and obtain urineOpen the drainage bag and pour out some urineWear sterile gloves when obtaining urineAfter undergoing a transurethral resection of the prostate to treat benign prostate hypertrophy, a patient is retuned to the room with continuous bladder irrigation in place. angiotensin converting enzyme day later, the patient reports bladder pain. What should the nurse do first? Increase the I.V. flow rateNotify the doctor immediatelyAssess the irrigation catheter for obviousness and drainageAdminister meperidine (Demerol) as prescribedA patient comes to the hospital complaining of sudden onset of sharp, severe pain originating in the lumbar region and radiating around the side and toward the bladder. The patient also reports nausea and vomiting and appears pale, diaphoretic, and anxious. The doctor ten tatively diagnoses renal calculi and orders flat-plate abdominal X-rays. renal calculi can form anywhere in the urinary tract. What is their most common formation site? KidneyUreterBladderUrethraA patient comes to the hospital complaining of severe pain in the remediate flank, nausea, and vomiting. The doctor tentatively diagnoses right ureter-olithiasis (renal calculi). When planning this patients care, the nurse should assign highest priority to which nursing diagnosis? PainRisk of infectionAltered urinary excretory productAltered nutrition less than body requirementsThe nurse is reviewing the report of a patients routine urinalysis. Which of the following values should the nurse consider abnormal? Specific gravity of 1.002Urine pH of 3 absence of proteinAbsence of glucoseA patient with suspected renal insufficiency is plan for a comprehensive diagnostic work-up. After the nurse explains the diagnostic tests, the patient asks which part of the kidney does the work. Which answer is correct?The glomerulusBowmans capsuleThe nephronThe tubular systemDuring a shock state, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system exerts which of the following effects on renal function? Decreased urine output, increased resorption of sodium and water Decreased urine output, decreased reabsorption of sodium and water Increased urine output, increased reabsorption of sodium and water Increased urine output, decreased reabsorption of sodium and water mend assessing a patient who complained of lower abdominal pressure, the nurse notes a tight mass extending above the symphysis pubis.The nurse suspects A urinary tract infectionRenal calculiAn enlarged kidneyA distended bladderGregg Lohan, age 75, is admitted to the medical-surgical floor with impuissance and left-sided chest pain. The symptoms have been present for several weeks after a viral illness. Which assessment finding is most symptomatic of pericarditis?Pericardial friction scrapeBilateral crackles auscultated at the lung basesPain unrelieved by a change in positionThird heart sound (S3)James business leader is admitted to the hospital with right-side-heart failure. When assessing him for jugular vein distention, the nurse should position him cunning on his side with the head of the bed flat.Sitting upright.Flat on his back.Lying on his back with the head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees. The nurse is interviewing a slightly overweight 43-year-old man with mild emphysema and borderline hypertension. He admits to smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. When developing a teaching plan, which of the following should receive highest priority to help decrease respiratory complications? Weight reductionDecreasing salt intakeSmoking fulfilmentDecreasing caffeine intakeWhat is the ratio of chest compressions to ventilations when one rescuer performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an adult? 151152121122When assessing a patient for fluid and electrolyte quietus, the nurse is aware that the orga ns most important in maintaining this balance are thePituitary gland and pancreasLiver and gallbladder.Brain stem and heart.Lungs and kidneys.

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