Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Reflection on the Violence of the Current Times Essay

Wars and revolutions have been considered over the years as the most destructive choice that many nations have pushed through for the sake of fighting for their ideologies and interests. Just like the most aggressive natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, wars can end the lives of millions of innocent people in just a snap. All those ruthless bombing, deafening shootouts, and inhumane treatments among fighting nations are killing the world in such worse ways than natural disasters. This makes war as one of the most hated, resented, and feared concepts. However, it has also become one of the most tackled topics and themes in literature, allowing those who never experienced it to see a glimpse of its nature and reality. In James William Gibson’s article, Warrior Dreams, he talks about the feeling of being â€Å"unnamed† by a war that never became victorious. In the face of challenges and obstacles, this man who has been weakened by the fight seems to have formed illusions of invincible warrior heroes like Rambo, Dirty Harry and Jack Ryan (Gibson 625). An average and normal man would understand completely that the reality of being unmanned can be compared to a distressing situation in a man’s life where his greatest natural ability and strength are taken away: â€Å"Feeling unmanned by a war lost and by the rewriting of gender codes in the wake of the sexual revolution, millions of American men [†¦] began to dream, to fantasize about the powers and features of another kind of man who could retake and reorder the world† (Gibson 625). This would most certainly leave that person weak in his own awareness and belief; therefore, he will need something or someone—even an imaginary hero—from whom he can gain strength and an inspiration of invincibility. This, Gibson notes, can be one of the most potent roots of ruthless violence and inhumanity. Like many literary artists and sociologists who explored wars and revolutions in their works, Gibson admits that wars are practically naturally occurring events. He even claims that wars have divine histories as well — that during the ancient societies, even gods used wars as a way to set up the deified order of things: â€Å"These cosmogonic, or creation, myths posit a violent conflict between the good forces of order and the evil forces dedicated to the perpetuation of the primordial chaos. After the war in which the gods defeat the evil ones, they establish the ‘sacred order’† (Gibson 633). This claim, together with most of the academic claims about wars, implies that generally, wars are something which is innate in the tendencies of human beings and that war and violence appears to be never-ending exhibition of power by the humans—a power that they think they own. There are a lot of current issues and happenings that can be related to Gibson’s perspective on war and violence. Aside from the seemingly unending wars and violent acts rooted in religious conflicts and ideological clashes, Gibson’s discussion on the nature and reality of war and violence can also be exemplified in the case of a ruthless shooting in school done by mere adolescent boys rattled the entire nation — a nightmare that they never imagined to ever occur. It was a perfect spring morning in the fields of the Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado. As the investigation revealed, the deaths of 13 innocent people were indeed done by two boys by the name of Eric Harris, 18 years of age and Dylan Klebold, 17 (Bradley). The two started packing their rigging weapons and bombs in their duffel bags on the morn of April 20, 1999. After preparing their weapons and god-knows-what, they headed to Columbine High School. It was past 11 in the morning when the first set of gunshots were heard by the students from the cafeteria and they immediately scooted under the table to protect themselves from what they cannot deny as danger. What followed next was a series of pointless, cold-blooded shooting and bombing by the two young gunmen. The police were immediately present in the area; however, they were not able to protect the lives of 13 innocent people who fell dead. After the shootings and bombing, when the police and the SWAT were finally ready to enter the campus, the gunmen, Harris and Klebold, ended their own lives. This was just one of the most gruesome and distressing violent acts the whole of America has witnessed over the years. However, what disturbed most Americans about this incident was the involvement of two young people as the gunmen themselves. After the incident, a lot of harsh critics passed the blame onto the media industry for their irresponsible broadcasting and insufficient monitoring and control with the messages and content they convey. A lot of parents not just grieved but also blamed every possible medium which they think has contributed to the growth of violent materials in the mass media industry and consequently affected the behavior of children. However, even to this date, no one can be really certain about what went on in Harris and Klebold’s minds to do such a thing. But considering Gibson’s discussion on the nature and reality of wars and violence, one could infer that these two boys just had an urge of power exhibition in false knowing and understanding that they can control and change the order of the world. Works Cited Bradley, Ed. â€Å"What Really Happened At Columbine? † CBS News. 17 April 2001. 9 July 2009. . Gibson, James Wilson. â€Å"Warrior Dreams. † Title of the Book. Ed. First Name Last Name. Location: Publisher, Year. 625–633.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello

Finally, the most effective way Iago poisons Othello’s mind is by changing the appearance of reality. He will cover it up with lies and Othello will be forced to believe him because he will be too submerged in doubt and suspicion to see the truth. In act 3, scene 3, when Cassion parts from Desdemona, Iago makes it appear as if Cassio â€Å"steal away so guilty-like†(Shakespeare, act 3, scene 3) because he did not want to be seen with Desdemona. While it appears really bad from Othello point of view, the reality of it is completely different. Cassio, who has been demoted, wishes to gain back his good will with Othello with Desdemona’s help. Iago tricks Othello by making him believe that every seemingly harmless encounter between Cassio and Desdemona are actually lies and that they are seeing each other behind his back. To the readers of the play it is quite obvious the nature of their encounter but to Othello who judges with eyes clouded by jealousy, he can only see the harm being done. Othello is unable to make a rational decision because he is too deep in madness. Iago has poisoned his mind and ruined his judgement. To further poison Othello’s mind, Iago will set up Cassio and Othello. In act 4, scene 1, while Othello is hidden in the shadows; Iago approaches Cassio and starts a conversation with him. Othello believes the base of the conversation will be about his wife Desdemona because it is what Iago told him he would do: interrogate Cassio about Desdemona. But the reality of it is different. Iago is actually talking to Cassio about Bianca. Othello is caught up in the illusion; he now truly believes that Desdemona is unfaithful towards him. Jealousy clouds one’s mind. Othello in able to see that Iago is playing him; he is too deep in his own illusions to notice that he is being used. Because Othello’s judgement is clouded, Iago is able to make things appear differently. With his rational thinking gone, Othello is incapable of differencing reality from lies. The more he is poison, the more he degrades. His speech deteriorates, he has epileptic attacks and burst into rage. His actions are proof of his mental state. He is turmoil because of what Iago has made him believe, because of what Iago has made him see. Not only does Iago make scenes appear differently, he himself is an example of appearance vs. reality. Trough out the eyes of the other characters in the play, Iago appears â€Å"full of love and honesty†; Othello even says that â€Å"Iago is most honest†. In Criminal Types in Shakespeare, August Goll cites: â€Å"Iago appears to every one as the clever head, the man who knows the world and sees things clearly, who describes things as he sees them without mincing matters-the free-spoken, honest friend bold and rough: for this reason they all seek him in their various difficulties, Desdemona, Cassio, Emilia, Roderigo. (Goll, 218) Iago makes himself appear intentioned to the feeling of others. When they are faced with difficulties he offers them advices. Othello looks to Iago for advice on how to deal with the situation he faces, he asks him to help him in his vengeance. Iago true personality is someone who is egocentric, full of malice. He only thinks about himself. He does not help the Moor with good intention; he believes that he cheated with his wife and thus wishes to get his revenge. He does not give advice to Cassio because he feels obliged to help a comrade; he does it to fulfill his plan. To conclude, Iago is one of Shakespeare most vile villain. He made Othello fall into despair; he made him believe that Desdemona was unfaithful to him when it was nothing but lies. He used many tricks to poison Othello’s mind, he became his friend with him and trick him, and he withheld information from him and made things appear differently. With his superior intellect, he manipulated Othello like a puppet. Manipulators are among us. Would you be able to tell if you were manipulated?WORK CITEDBROCK, James Harry Ernest, Iago & some Shakespearean Villians, New York, AMS Press, 1973 COE, Charles Norton, Shakespeares’s Villains, New York, AMS Press, 1972 GOLL, August, Criminal Types in Shakespeare, New York, Haskell House, 1966 NAZARE-AGA, Isabelle, Les Manipulateurs sont parmis nous: Qui sont-ils? Comment s’en protà ©ger?, Montreal, Les Éditions de L’Homme, 1997 SHAKESPEARE, William, Othello, New York, Washington Square Press, 1993 WEILGART, Wolfgang J. Shakespeare Pschognostic: Character Evolution and Transformation, AMS Press, 1972 â€Å"Jalousie Illusoir†, 2010,, consulted on November 9th 2010

Monday, July 29, 2019

Retronics Case Study

Case Study: Human Performance: Retronics Alderfer. C. P. 1969, An empirical test of a new theory of human needs, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 4, 142-175. Amason, A. C, Hochwater, W. A. , Thompson, K. R & Harrison, A. W. 1995, ‘Conflict: an important dimension in successful management teams’, Organisational Dynamics, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 20 – 35. Bandura A. 1997, Self-efficacy: the exercise of control, Freeman, New York. Bandura, A. 1977, ‘Self-efficacy: towards a unifying theory of behavioural change', Psychological Review, no. 84, pp. 191 – 215. Bandura, A. 986, ‘Social foundations of thought and action', Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Beyer, J. M. , Chattopadhyay, P. , George, E. , Glick, W. H. & Pugliese, D. 1997, The selective perception of managers revisited, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 716-37. Bowen, D. E & Lawler, Edward E. 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Marketing Law and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Law and Ethics - Essay Example Marketing has become an authority in the society. It shows people the way to become models; images they see in various advertisements. The marketer tells us; buy it, use it. They also tell us; we can buy success, happiness and love with the advertised products, service and brands so that consumer also buys the life-style with the product. The advertisements have become the role of educators and family. While watching these advertisements, consumer compares the life he is watching and his own life and finds his life ordinary and meaningless. Because of this reason, the advertisements became an imitated model ethic is known as moral values and plays a role as social rules in a society. In today's world, in marketing, through advertisements the messages are given with help of the cultural differences, social class differences; also using color differences as a tool, so it is one of the biggest arguments of ethic. The most definite dilemma of modern-day advertising is its manipulation on the individual and societal growth, significance in formation of people's values in rapidly globalizing world. At the same time, mounting globalization process grounds seriously the query about the social accountability of business need essential deliberation of long-term benefit of consumers and society as a whole. It is important to note the reciprocity of advertising technological development process and scrutinizing of human rights and standards of living in the society. In other words, transformation in one way requires immediate change in other (Harris 2001). The world of advertising, made up of advertisers, agencies, the media and the various specialized services, constitutes an environment which is in a constant state of flux; examples include new marketing and advertising techniques, changing markets, changing consumer requirements, new products, new media and a constant turnover of staff. As well as the whole commerce industry, marketing has its own ethical problems. Several marketing experts or their representatives have deliberately confirmed and implemented different activities, assertions or set of laws concerning the requirement that marketing people believe ethics regulations and values, so that they become much more responsible towards the members of society (Brassington & Pettitt 2003). Most controversial cases in the legal system are the discrimination cases which base their allegations on race, color, gender, sexual orientation,national origin and religion, age. For years the mainstream media has cleanly pushed the idea that being darker as a person of color is thought to be inferior. Discrimination has diffused onto a wider massive scale. In an undeniably capitalist society, leading marketers and entrepreneurs use subtle suggestive means to accomplish their selfish, profitable motives. As in the case of promotional campaign of the world's largest cosmetics firm, based in France, L'Oreal, which specializes in perfumes, beauty aids, and related products. The ad-campaign featuring pop-star Beyonce Knowles for this cosmetics giant shows that all is not well with the face of its promotion. The company was accused of whitening Beyonce Knowles who has been the L'Oral Paris brand ambassador since 2001. The contract signed between the cosmetics company and the singer in 2001, was worth 2.4m ($4.7m) for five years. The contract stipulated that the singer had to work 10

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Social and Emotional Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social and Emotional Learning - Essay Example †¢ Social emotional learning in schools is best achieved when they are programmed. That is to say that the social emotional learning should be institutionalized to have a core and recognized place in the curriculum of the school. The process of coding the social emotional learning needs of students into the school’s curriculum is referred to as social emotional learning programming; and the specific activities that fall under the social emotional learning programming are known as social emotional learning programs. †¢ Roberts (2009) identifies some social emotional learning programs that could commonly be used in out schools and that are equally replicable in this particular school. But even before spelling out the specific social and emotional learning programs that can be implemented in schools, she cautions each of the programs should be able to â€Å"†provide some compensation, often working with parents and the local community† and that this should indeed be the sole basis for judging the viability of any named social and emotional learning program (p. 17). †¢ Based on the criteria given above, the following forms of social and emotional learning programs are identified and briefly outlined on how they function in the school system. The programs include citizenship education, Early Training Project, Penn Resiliency Programme (PRP), personal social and health education (PSHE), Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL), the Carolina Abecedarian Project, and the Milwaukee Projects (p. 17-25). These social and emotional learning programs are used in different parts of the world; particularly in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom. Depending on where these programs are found, they are implemented in different forms. In the cases of the Early Training Project, the Carolina Abecedarian Project and the Milwaukee Projects, a lot of the attention and focus is on children from poor socio-economic families. Indeed, these forms of social and emotional learning programs cannot be underestimated in anyway because given an y realistic international schools system; there is the likelihood that not all the children would be of equal socio-economic standing. Indeed, it is true to admit that in most cases, students from low-class socio-economic homes form the majority in most schools and thus adapting these programs for any model schools would be a step in the right direction. Research conducted on the viability and validity of the three programs namely the Early Training Project, the Carolina Abecedarian Project and the Milwaukee Projects found that even though the programs did not play significant roles in improving the intelligent quotients of the students involved, the students benefited greatly in terms of school and college attainment, social skills and behaviour. (p. 17). This is indeed an achievement that cannot be underestimated in any way. This is because the research further stated that coupled with motivation, the social and emotional learning programs did so well in ‘reducing the impact on crime and improve health and employment prospects† (p. 17). Other forms of social and emotional learning programs are equally viable. These are the personal social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship education. These two programs are common in England. These two progra

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Contemporary issues in accounting and finance Case Study

Contemporary issues in accounting and finance - Case Study Example In brief, economists (Norton & Porter, pp. 56-63, 2009) have blamed organizations for considering short-term profits of the company to pay huge rewards and compensation to CEOs and directors that is a significant form of excessive amount of risk-taking by the organizations, causing long-term financial issues. Despite of different claims and blames, analysis of the studies (Saudagaran, pp. 21-25, 2009) has indicated that everything goes down to one end that is accounting and its principles. A huge number of studies (Sorkin, 2008) have indicated that there has been deficiency of ethical and professional accountants in the profession that were involved in manipulating accounting rules and metrics on short-term basis that resulted in a financial issue for the organizations, as well as the banki... Economists believe that this specific rule inclined accountants to exaggerate the financial matters in front of the national banks that contributed adversely in the promotion of economic recession. In addition, a number of experts (Manning & Nothwehr, pp. 1, 2008) from the banking sector consider the rule as a very dangerous principle that resulted in the representation of losses of billions of dollars, whereas, the organizations never lost it. In an article of the New York Times, author wrote, "FAS 157 represents the so-called fair value rule put into effect by the Federal Accounting Standards Board, the bookkeeping rule makers. It requires that certain assets held by financial companies, including tricky investments linked to mortgages and other kinds of debt, be marked to market. In other words, you have to value the assets at the price you could get for them if you sold them right now on the open market" (Sorkin, 2008). Besides FAS 157, a few experts have indicated similar objective of mark-to-market rule, FAS 115 that regulates the organizations to perform the following tasks. Although it is a good principle, but it allows companies to manipulate things in a tricky manner, and this possibility of manipulation indicates the intensifying capability of this accounting principle to encourage frauds and subsequently, recessionary period around the world. Experts (Sorkin, 2008) have indicated that big names like CitiGroup, Lehman Brothers, etc used this accounting principle to show their exposure at fifty percent, whereas, it was only near to fifteen percent. In this regard, besides unethical practices involving personal

Friday, July 26, 2019

Medical Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Medical Marijuana - Essay Example Contextually, the use of marijuana has confronted with various significant issues owing to the reason of the infringement of federal law in different countries2. Thesis Statement In this paper, the legal issues concerning whether or not the existing medicinal marijuana program in California violates the federal law of the nation and the power of the federal government towards limiting the passage of laws linked with medical marijuana would be addressed. Moreover, the issue relating to the lawful right of raiding medicinal marijuana providers by the officials of law enforcement belonging to any state will also be addressed in this paper. Analysis or Discussion California has been viewed to be one of the states, which is certified towards using marijuana especially for medicinal purposes. In relation to analyze the legal issue concerning whether or not the violation of California’s current program relating to medical marijuana violates federal law, it has been viewed that the Ca lifornia voters enthusiastically passed the ‘Compassionate Use Act’ in order to legalize the substance i.e. marijuana particularly for medical purposes in the year 1996. It has been apparently observed in this context that California has been a foremost leader in adopting marijuana legally3.Before the year 1996, California prohibited the sale as well as the possession of marijuana but the state once again started to endorse in making limited drug usage for medical reasons only with the commencement of the aforementioned Act. The state considered this approach for the motive of delivering useful drugs to the patients at the time of any urgency. The Act was mainly established in order to persuade both state along with federal governments for adopting as well as implementing deliberate steps towards ensuring secure and sensible drug allocation to the patients in necessity4. There are various reasons for introducing the ‘Compassionate Use Act of 1996’ in Califo rnia. In this similar concern, the different purposes of the Act encompass ensuring that every seriously ill individual of California possesses the right to acquire as well as use marijuana especially for medical reasons and fostering both federal as well as state government towards utilizing a plan for delivering effective allocation of marijuana to all patients in need5. With regard to analyze the legal issue concerning whether California’s current medical marijuana program violates federal law, it has been apparently observed that federal law forbids the production, allocation as well as possession of marijuana by a significant level. In this regard, no exclusion has been facilitated by the federal law for using marijuana for medical purposes. The federal law strongly possesses the viewpoint that the substance i.e. marijuana is extremely addictive and most importantly does not bear any medicinal value. This critical standpoint of the federal government against marijuana ma y cause the medical practitioners to not recommend marijuana to be used for medical reasons under the provision of federal law. The federal laws concerning the use of marijuana have been identified to be quite serious and to be depicting severe punishment to those individuals who broadly engage in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critically analyse why treaties on human rights do not grant rights Essay

Critically analyse why treaties on human rights do not grant rights directly to individuals - Essay Example nited Nations High Commissioner for Human rights, human rights are inherent to all human beings regardless of their nationality, colour, religion, language, place of residence, sex or any other identifiable status of the individual (Ramcharan, 2010). Universal human rights are expected to be indivisible, interrelated and interdependent and human beings should enjoy such rights without any form of discrimination. Steiner arguesthat ‘human rights violations still occur within a state rather than high seas or outer space outside the jurisdiction of any one state’ (Ramcharan, 2010, p 45). In this case, states are expected to assume the obligations of protecting and fulfilling human rights to their citizens through positive actions lead to enjoyment of the basic human rights and respecting such rights (Steiner, Alston & Goodman, 2008). The UN charter that aims at ensuring global peace and fundamental human rights has led to numerous conventions that have been adopted in order to protect individual human rights and protect the citizens from atrocities such as genocide and torture (Bayefsky, 2001). Majority of the rules have been codified in to customary rules of international law thus binding even the countries that have not ratified the conventions. Each state has the responsibility of safeguarding individual human rights within its territory, but as Turkin emphasized ‘conventions on human rights do not grant rights directly to individuals’ since the rights will vary from state to the other or from region to region due to government structures and regional treaties and declarations of human rights (Provost, 2002, p 98). In this paper, I will demonstrate that all states have a duty to respect the universal fundamental rights within territories, prohibit discrimination and have the duty to respect such rights and co-operate with other states in attainment of such objectives. Thesis: treaties on human rights treaties grant rights directly to i ndividuals. State

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Researching a Critical Social Issue in Computerization Term Paper

Researching a Critical Social Issue in Computerization - Term Paper Example With the same inspiration, the chosen book encompasses details about the journey of technology and how it has successfully made mankind its slave rather than the opposite. Neil Postman was a technology critic, who doesn’t favor the uncontrolled growth of technology and the reliance on technology more than human intellect and judgments. His book â€Å"Technopoly† has addressed various professions ranging from medicine to education, advertising to business management etc. The current technological trends are troubling and causing impact on the lifestyle of individuals, culture, language and personal relations. Its gradual invasion has been unnoticed by many and has just been accepted as the eventual change of times. However, some people, like the author of the book, are conscious about the changes and try to repel them as much as possible to ensure that they are not overpowered by it. The book stresses on few main adverse effects that have been discussed in the paper. B. Main Concepts from the Book The book explains the gradual technological changes that have taken place in the history of mankind; the main factors that are considered harmful by Neil Postman are: Effects on cultural values Effects on human intellect Effects on social capabilities These three aspects are very important as they effect the social and mental development of humans, alongside the morals and traditions of societies. The power of technology overpowers the intellect of humans, changes cultural values and reduces the need for personal relations. These effects will be discussed in detail in the later sections of the report. These changes have not been sudden. On the contrary, man has witnessed varying degrees of integration of technology with the passage of the years. The author termed these changes as â€Å"ecological† i.e. the original form of something is altered due to some change. The author categorizes the changes into three main eras; tool-using culture, technocra cy and technopoly. Tool-using culture has been defined as the era in which tools were invented to solve problems. The tools did not threaten the cultures, traditions and mental capabilities of humans. Technocracy saw the integration of technology in the lives of the individuals; however industrialism and technical incorporation were still not strong enough to drive away culture, language and morals. Technopoly is explained as the prevailing era in which technology has overpowered human intellect as machines are considered more reliable than humans. It is due to the technological integration in the society that machines are considered more dependable than humans. 1. Effects on human intellect The advent of scientific management took place in 1911 by Frederick Taylor. The principles of scientific management were originally developed for the production processes in industries but soon the respective concept intervened in the whole society and started being followed religiously by peopl e who weren’t even a part of the industrial sector. Scientific management provoked the employees to perform their jobs strictly according to the rules and laws that had been laid down for their specific positions. This created the dependence on technology and freed the people from the responsibility of thinking creatively and making

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PESTEL analysis of country Azerbaijan Coursework

PESTEL analysis of country Azerbaijan - Coursework Example The nation gained its independence from the USSR in 1991, and it had declared its state sovereignty in 1988 (Plunkett 2008, 09). Since then, it has had conflict with the neighboring nation, Armenia (Luca 2014, p. 12). The conflicts lasted from 1988-1994, but a ceasefire was established in 1994 when the separatists were looking for full independence from this nation, and they had control over Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as the seven provinces that surround it. This paper evaluates the PESTEL analysis of Azerbaijan country, and this consists of the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors of the nation. Azerbaijan still seeks control over these areas; on the other hand, it has been hard to get the solution through diplomatic means. Its economic status relies on the oil and gas. They also have beautiful temples, which act as the tourist attraction. It has learned to use bountiful natural resources, as well for industrial fuel (Murphy 2014, p. 42). The country has a well-established infrastructure, and development of banks, retail shops, and real estates, though the greatest challenge is the financial crisis. The economic growth has grown from 2006 to 2008 before dropping down by 3.7% in 2010. The economic status experience rapid growth with use of the available natural resources, but it has been affected by corruption (Schmidt 2009, 15). However, transparency is the key of the nation and it is ranked 134 among the 178 nations that practice corruption, though the nation has tried to reduce the vice. Culturally, Azerbaijan has gone global, and could win the Eurovision song contest in the national wide music competition (Murphy 2014, p. 20). For a company to go global it has to analyze the foreign markets and understand the major factors that might affect the operation of the new product. One strategy of understanding the nature of a country is to carry out PESTEL or PEST analysis, which consists of the

Research Methods Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Methods - Coursework Example County hospital records detailing the age, ethnicity, level of education, gender, etc. of each individual treated for drug overdose during the period in which the spike is usually recorded, from the time when it became prevalent; The list is by no means exhaustive. However, in analyzing these records, frequency distribution will most likely isolate a major group or two, which will facilitate success in further investigation. In dealing with a subject of such nature, this research method is arguably more effective than a survey, which, according to Wikipedia, depends on â€Å"subjects’ motivation, honesty, memory, and ability to respond.† Drug users may not be willing respondents in a survey. Observer participation is another method that is very useful not only when â€Å"the phenomenon is sufficiently limited in size and location to be studied as a case† but also when â€Å"the phenomenon is hidden from public view (crime and deviance, secretive groups and organizations, such as drug users & dealers†¦)† (Jorgensen, 1989; 13). The data obtained from the statistical analysis of official records is the blueprint upon which this research method will be employed. That is, the group(s) that most frequently occur(s) in his analysis will be the focus. In a manner of investigation, the researcher can ease himself into the social environment of the group(s) in question, within and (if his study demands) outside the period in which drug overdose is common. Here, â€Å"the research problem can be addressed by qualitative data gathered by direct observation and other means pertinent to the field setting† (Jorgensen, 1989; 13), thereby helping the researcher gain firsthand information on the attitudes, behavior, practices and habits of (each of) the group(s) in question. This ‘investigation’ will most likely see them open up about drug

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pricing policies Essay Example for Free

Pricing policies Essay The main Factors that affect the price being charged by your chosen business for their product/service The pricing decisions for a product are affected by internal and external factors. A. Internal Factors 1. Cost While fixing the prices of a product, the firm should consider the cost involved in producing the product. This cost includes both the variable and fixed costs. Thus, while fixing the prices, the firm must be able to recover both the variable and fixed costs. 2. The predetermined objectives While fixing the prices of the product, the marketer should consider the objectives of the firm. For instance, if the objective of a firm is to increase return on investment, then it may charge a higher price, and if the objective is to capture a large market share, then it may charge a lower price. 3. Image of the firm The price of the product may also be determined on the basis of the image of the firm in the market. For instance, HUL and Procter Gamble can demand a higher price for their brands, as they enjoy goodwill in the market. 4. Product life cycle The stage at which the product is in its product life cycle also affects its price. For instance, during the introductory stage the firm may charge lower price to attract the customers, and during the growth stage, a firm may increase the price. 5. Credit period offered The pricing of the product is also affected by the credit period offered by the company. Longer the credit period, higher may be the price, and shorter the credit period, lower may be the price of the product. 6. Promotional activity The promotional activity undertaken by the firm also determines the price. If the firm incurs heavy advertising and sales promotion costs, then the pricing of the product shall be kept high in order to recover the cost. B. External Factors 1. Competition While fixing the price of the product, the firm needs to study the degree of competition in the market. If there is high competition, the prices may be kept low to effectively face the competition, and if competition is low, the prices may be kept high. 2. Consumers The marketer should consider various consumer factors while fixing the prices. The consumer factors that must be considered includes the price sensitivity of the buyer, purchasing power, and so on. 3. Government control Government rules and regulation must be considered while fixing the prices. In certain products, government may announce administered prices, and therefore the marketer has to consider such regulation while fixing the prices.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Indian Child Workers And Poverty Sociology Essay

Indian Child Workers And Poverty Sociology Essay As I visit my country- Pakistan, I see children on the streets begging, some selling flowers and newspapers to the people on the road. When I pass a car mechanic shop, I see boys as young as 5 years old covered in car grease fixing engines. While passing a street restaurant, I see young boys taking orders from customers. At the rubbish disposal site, I see young boys scavenging through waste to find food sometimes, or scrap metal. As I visit my relatives back home, I see Elizabeth, a twelve year old working as a domestic servant in the house, mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms. Child workers are everywhere in Pakistan, the critics of this claim need to open their eyes and heart to feel the troubles of their less privileged fellow countrymen. The factors contributing to child labor are interconnected; however it is mainly due to poverty and lack of education, that children are coerced into the labor force. In the Human Development Report, conducted under the United Nations Development Program, the human development index was measured to compare Pakistan to other countries in the world. According to the Human Development report (2009), The HDI provides a composite measure of three dimensions of human development: living a long and healthy life (measured by life expectancy), being educated (measured by adult literacy and gross enrolment in education) and having a decent standard of living (measured by purchasing power parity, PPP, income). The index is not in any sense a comprehensive measure of human development. It does not, for example, include important indicators such as gender or income inequality nor more difficult to measure concepts like respect for human rights and political freedoms. What it does provide is a broadened prism for viewing human progress and the complex relationship between income and well-being. In 2007, among the 182 countries examined, Pakistan was the 141th r egards to the HDI value. This clearly indicates the grave economic situation of Pakistan. According to the CIA World Fact book (2010), Pakistan has a GDP per capita of $2,600 and it is ranked 171 compared to other countries. With poverty rates as high as 24% and unemployment rate 15.2%, marked as 153 compared to the world, it is obvious that Pakistan is going through an economic downturn. According to Unicef (2009), Food and economic crises have increased food insecurity. Prices of essential food items rose over 35 per cent in 2007-08, compared to an 18 per cent increase in labour wages, the ongoing struggle to make ends meet is breaking the back of the poor. With a population of 175 million people, Pakistan is ranked 6th around the world in terms of population. 36% of the population of Pakistan lives in cities, the rest of the 64% lives in the rural parts of the country. Chaudhry, Malik and Hassan (2009) have examined that Punjab, one of the four provinces of Pakistan constitutes 5 6% of the countrys population and a 36% of Punjabs population is accounted being poor. Poverty is one of the main contributing factors of child labor in Pakistan, with almost a quarter of the nations population struggling to make ends meet, the children of poverty stricken families are left to no resort, but to mend their lives by helping their families in earning a living. ADB (2010) considers poverty the main source of child labor in Pakistan. According to Unicef (2009), it is estimated that Pakistan has about 3.3 million children aged under 14, working as child laborers. However, according to the United States Bureau of International Labor affairs (2010), it is stated that the rough estimate of child laborers in Pakistan could be from 2 million to a staggering 19 million. This could be due to the inability to address the issue of child labor and not performing surveys to determine up to date statistics. Ahmed (July 13, 2008) cites this issue by commenting that the latest survey o n child laborers was conducted 14 years ago and the population has increased by 30 million since then. Child laborers have their childhood stolen away from them; forced to work for long hours, these children dont have time to play or study as other privileged children of Pakistan. The United States Bureau of International Labor affairs (2010) cites the state of child laborers working in carpet industries which thrive on the nimble hands of these children, The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan states that work units in rural areas have more child labor than urban areas. In these village units, the children are mostly girls, some only six or seven years old; boys are barely eight. Working conditions are poor, lighting and ventilation inadequate, hygienic conditions substandard, and the work area hot and humid. Workers complain of coughs and sickness. The workers usually work 10-hour days, with no holidays and are paid on a piece-rate basis. Child workers pay is as low as 10 rupees ( approximately 37 cents) per day; teenagers, however, earned 20-30 rupees (74 cents to $1.13) per day, and can even get 50 to 75 rupees ($1.87 to $2.81) per day for superior quality carpets. With a meager amount of wages and the vulnerability of getting sick, these child laborers plights fall on deaf ears. Frequently abused and punished by their employers over small mistakes or delays in handling the work, these poor childrens miseries are never ending; Child weavers suffer work-related injuries and illnesses, such as injuries due to sharp instruments, respiratory tract infections, and body aches. They also remain uneducated, 42 percent never having attended school and 58 percent having dropped out (ILAB, 2010). One of the old and the harshest realities of bonded child labor is that the child laborer is indebted to its master till the bondage debt is repaid. Although bonded child labor is prohibited by the Pakistani law, but people find loopholes to find their way out. According to I LAB (2010), Bonded labor has long been a feature in brick kilns, carpet industries, agriculture, fisheries, stone/brick crushing, shoe-making, power looms, and refuse sorting. The Bonded Labor Liberation Front estimates that eight million children are bonded in Pakistan. Half a million are allegedly bonded in the carpet industry alone. Silvers (1996) writes that the hypocritical masters of the bonded child laborers use exploitive methods to employ these children, it is compliance, long productivity hours and inexpensiveness that make theses children a lucrative deal. A documentary by SPARC, a NGO working to raise the plight of child laborers shows Hyderabad, a city famous for its glass bangles. However, little is known that these bangles are made in factories that employ children. These child laborers work up to 16 hours a day for less than a dollar, in front of the scorching heat of the furnaces. Consequently, they develop diseases such as asthma, Bronchitis and TB. In another scen e, Javaid- a scavenger ploughs through rubbish to pick anything he finds valuable enough to sell and earn a living off; he says his parents find it difficult to support the big family, thats why he feels an obligation to help out with the earnings (SPARC, 2008). Silvers (1996), writes that children in rural parts of Pakistan are indoctrinated to work to help the family. The mindset of bondage is embedded in to the young minds at a very early age, thus these children dont find it wrong, but rather look up to it, unaware of what lies ahead of them. A twelve year old girl named Irfana worked under bondage before being set free; she reported that her master would treat them like livestock. Girls were often raped and the boys were severely beaten. Bonded labor is usually owned by feudal land owners and in Pakistan; most of these feudal landowners are working in the government or have a very strong backing. Bokhari (July 24, 1996) states, If bonded labor has a long history, it also has st rong political backing in Pakistan. Many critics claim that almost two-thirds of the members of the federal parliament in Islamabad and the four provincial legislatures are landowners who would resist any plans that are seen as hostile toward their fellow landowners. Most of the members of parliament in the Sindh [provincial] assembly belong to the Zamindar [landowners] class and it is in their interest not to raise their voices against the bonded labor, says Ali Hasan, a journalist à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Poverty is one of the factors that root from illiteracy. Unicef (2009) states that HYPERLINK javascript:void(0);PakistanHYPERLINK javascript:void(0);HYPERLINK javascript:void(0);s per capita expenditure on health is only US$18, of which US$4 is public expenditure, compared to the recommended US$45. Less than 2.5 per cent of GDP is spent on education, compared to HYPERLINK javascript:void(0);the recommended 2.8 to 3.6 per cent. According to the Unicef , from the year 1998 to 2007, only 1% of the central government expenditure was allocated to health, 2% to education and 16% to defense (2009). Poor access to quality education in the weak primary education system contributes to child labor. Primary education has been made compulsory in Provinces like Punjab, Sindh and NWFP, little is done to enforce the law. Either there are not proper facilities to accommodate children or lack of teachers in some areas. The most affected by this dilemma are the inhabitants of the rural parts of the cou ntry; primary school gross enrollment is 71%, with a large dropout rate (Unicef, 2009). According to Levi (1971), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦poverty has frequently been cited as a cause of primary school dropouts both because poor families can- not afford school fees or other expenses and because it is necessary for children to work to help support the family. The extent of the traditional agricultural sector may better reflect the need for child labor than does GNP per capita. Countries which have a greater segment of their population in the subsistence sector may have both lower incomes and a greater need for child labor. This proves the mindset of the parents who take their children out of schools or who dont send them to school at all. The main reason behind it being, that they cannot afford to run large family expenses on their own. High birth rate is considered an asset for the families, who look forward for the child to grow up and help out with family expenditures. In a survey conducted on Punjab, a total 3,708 questionnaires were filled in 309 households. Literacy of the household, irrelevant of the degree of literacy has a negative effect on child labor in the family (Siddiqi, 2009). In another analysis from the Pakistan Integrated Household Survey, conducted under the patronage of the World Bank in 1991, as a part of Living Standards Measurement Survey; 4,800 households were covered in 300 communities, divided between rural and urban localities. It was found that the cost of primary schooling is Rs 126 a year for a child who doesnt work and Rs 165 for a child who works. Lower school attendance was accounted for high transportation costs. In comparison to working and non-working children, the factors contributing to child labor were found to be lack of education among adults, less landownership and low per capita expenditure. It was also found that greater the distance of a community from other populated areas, the higher the chances of child labor. Among the sa mples, 61% had attended schools. From the total number of boys sampled, 81% has attended school at some stage and out of the girls proportion sampled, on 39% had ever attended school. In the final analysis, the primary schooling cost was directly proportional to the probability of the child working and indirectly proportional to school attendance. Education and child labor are interconnected, The International Labor Organization considers improvement in access to schools and school quality to be the most effective way of reducing child labor in less developed countries (Hazarika and Bedi, 2003) The Employment of Children Act of 1991 prohibits the use of child labor in hazardous works and environments. The Bonded Labor Act of 1992 abolished bondage labor and any bonded labor before the law was ordered to be set free. According to ILAB (2010), In Pakistan, a child is defined as a person younger than fifteen. The legal minimum age for employment is 14 for shops and commerce, industry, and work at sea, and 15 for mines and on railways. Though the laws are present, the enforcement has not been adequate enough to tackle the problem. Enforcement of child labor laws in Pakistan is hampered by the lack of manpower and expertise in the Department of Labor and a general acceptance of child labor, according to Professor Omar Noman (Ibid). The plights of the child workers usually go unheard, Tariq, a Bondage Labor Liberation Front worker inspected a carpet factory where bonded child laborers as young as eight and nine year olds work. The findings were then reported to the Police sergean t in charge, Tariq told him about the conditions in the workshop, about the children. The sergeant was perplexed. Is this a crime? he asked. No one has ever complained before. What do you want us to do about it? Tariq suggested sending officers to investigate, along with a medical-services crew for the children. The sergeant left to consult his superior. Two minutes later he returned with the superintendent, a gracious, mustachioed man of fifty. We are not unsympathetic to your complaint, the superintendent informed Tariq. But the place you describe is registered as a home enterprise. It is run by a small landowner, and the workers are his immediate family. Family businesses are exempt from the labor laws. This enterprise is not illegal. The superintendent opened a binder and showed Tariq the workshops registration certificate. Tariq attempted to correct him, but the superintendent said, What you say may or may not be true. Unfortunately, our jurisdiction does not include child labo r. I have no authority to investigate a private workplace. I have no evidence that the children are working there against their will or that their lives are in jeopardy. The mechanism for doing what you ask simply does not exist here. (Silvers, 1996) Police, with bureaucrats are involved in corruption and turn a blind eye on the child labor issue in Pakistan. Although the laws are present against it as the government lauds, but very little action is taken to enforce it. The lack of acknowledgment from the government and people is the result of the situation regarding child labor in the country. Some economists argue that the third world nations benefit from sweatshop jobs, by offering worlds poor release from malnourishment and destitution. Low wage factories that employ children to make clothes and shoes for foreign market are a first step towards prosperity in developing countries. However, these sweatshop workers are paid low wages for long working hours. They dont have any labor rights or unions to discuss their rights. Often child workers are abused so to force them to work for long hours. Prosperity is not measured by the low earnings from these sweat shops, it is by educating the child. Although, the child laborer brings little money back home, however, the child is deprived off its right of education and the right of living a normal childhood. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that all children get basic education and their human rights should not be violated. Bringing prosperity to a developing country is by uprooting corruption, which lets child laborers take this step to trade their childhood and innocence with the burdensome labor for petty wages. Due to a combination of factors, such as ignorance from the parents of not educating their children, selling them as bonded labor, poverty, corruption of the government and the employers. Child labor is detrimental to the society of Pakistan. It robs the child off its right of education and hence getting higher paying jobs. Child labor is a temporary solution to poverty and not the ultimate solution.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Intercultural Communication :: Sociology, Cultural Identity

With the development of economic globalization, intercultural communication has played a big part in international business activities. In order to carry out efficient intercultural communication, people should understand and focus on cultural identity more. Jameson (2007) stated that cultural identity which refers to a person’s status in a group includes six components: vocation, class, geography, philosophy, language, and biology (p.210). This essay will discuss that cultural identity of customers is an important consideration for Haier Group when it develops new product and market, especially when it comes to the class, geography vocation. Cultural identity linked to class has a great effect on a company’s marketing. The social and economic class which people belong to have big effect on their daily consumption decision (He & Liu, 2003, p.249). Leung (2005) claimed that social and economic status of people is the reliable indicators of which class people fall into, providing the valuable practical information for the enterprises (p.362). Generally speaking, the people who are in the high social and economic class usually are more willing to consume. In other words, it can mean the economic class of the consumer will directly affect the consumer demand and spending habit of consumer (Leung, 2005, p.370). Jameson (2007) found that â€Å"economic, social and educational classes often define groups of people who share common values, behavior, and attitudes; these cultural groups also cut across national and ethnic lines† (p.212). Therefore, the people belong to the same economic or social class may have the s imilar consumption tendency. The specific economic class usually requires a particular service or product. In general, Single white-collar crowds belong to the high –income class. They are the class who has considerable income, and they have the requirements of high quality of product. However, they don’t have too many clothes to wash. For example, when Haier Group enters into Japanese washing machine market, it found that most of the washing machines on the market are the big capacity. They are not suitable for the single white-collar class. Therefore, Haier Group designed and introduced a small capacity and high quality washing machine for them. The products are widely appreciated, and Haier Group firstly opened the door of Japan market. Owing to the profound impacts geographical environments exercise on human life, people living in different regions have different demands for the products. Jameson (2007) argued that â€Å"Geography creates cultural groups but not only in terms of nationality.

Fear and Loathing on The Campaign Trail Essay -- essays research paper

Fear and Loathing On The Campaign Trail ’72 was a book about a writer for the Rolling Stone and his coverage of the presidential elections in 1972. These elections were between the incumbent Republican, President Richard Nixon and the Senator from South Dakota, George McGovern. The election of 1972 saw McGovern come out of the democratic National Convention over Senators Muskie and Humphrey but only to lose to the incumbent president Richard Nixon. Hunter S. Thompson writes about the Election of 1972 from December 1971, before any primaries, to December 1972 after Nixon has won the election. It is a truthful first person account of what happened during the presidential race that year with much personal, side talk about Thompson’s life, experiences, and his coverage four years ago about the 1968 election. Thompson writes this book in a unique style that he has made called Gonzo Journalism. This style of writing is a deeply personal style of writing and is very opinionated. He does not give the facts on the election straight but instead gives his opinions on the people involved. It is a very subjective point of view and shows Thompson’s very liberal perspective. He is a strong supporter and is an enthusiast of the democratic candidate McGovern and shows time and time again how much he despises Nixon. Along with a very opinionated, subjective narrative, Thompson talks a lot about drug use. His point of view is from t hat from the drug underculture. Thompson is a very big drug us...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tragedy in Jewish History Essay -- Jewish History

Tragedy in Jewish History The Jews are a people with a multitude of dilemmas. From the Israelite tribes to the prosperous modern day Israel , bigotry towards the Jews has been greatly evident. The Jewish race has acted as Escape Goat for many crisis throughout history including the black plague which swept across Europe in the 14th century. The establishment of Israel was a great incident was something the Jewish people were striving to obtain for generations. This, however, led to four major conflicts between Israel and the Arab countries. One of the most meaningful wars was the Six-Day War. Events such as the holocaust have also had a dramatic effect on world history and whose mysteries are still being unravelled. For twelve years following 1933 the Jews were persecuted by the Nazi's. Jewish businesses were boycotted and vandalized. By 1939,Jews were no longer citizens,could not attend public schools,engage in practically any business or profession, own any land, associate with any non-Jew or visit public places such as parks and museums. The victories of the German armies in the early years of World War II brought the majority of European Jewry under the Nazis. The Jews were deprived of human rights. The Jewish people were forced to live in Ghetto's which were separated from the main city. Hitler's plan of genocide was carried out with efficiency. The total number of Jews exterminated has been calculated at around 5,750,000. In Warsaw ,where approximately 400,000 Jews had once been concentrated,was reduced to a population of 60,000. they, virtually unarmed, resisted the German deportation order and had held back the regular German troops equipped with flame throwers,armou... ...ed it to its rightful owners , Israel. As is clearly visible through these few examples the Jewish race have had a very trailing history. This however is only a small representation of the rest of the Jewish problems. War , for example, is still present. In 1991 in the Persian Gulf Israel was continuously bombed by Iraq. If Israel would have fought back chances are there would have had most of the Arabian countries join in with Iraq to eliminate the common enemy. Therefore the problems are yet not resolved yet it seems there is never a perfect solution to any problem. Bibliography 1. Holocaust : the Jewish tragedy Gilbert,Martin, COLLI 1986 2. Israel & the Arabs: The June 1967 War Facts on file, INC. New York, N.Y. 1968 3. The Holocaust in Historical Perspective Yehuda Bauer University of Washington Press 1978

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nurse Practitioner Interview Essay

I interviewed Durward â€Å"Durk† Lynch he is in my field of interest where I want to work as one day. He is a Nurse Practitioner at the Vanden Bosh Clinic and at the College Clinic. He gave information on his background and what drove him to be a Nurse Practitioner (NP). He really has had a lot of experience, as I will explain to you what he has shared. Durk was 18 years old graduating from high school and at the time he didn’t have the goal or even thought to be a (NP). He was volunteering in a hospital working with paralyzed patients. He was in his 1st year of college and majoring in Psychology. He really had an interest in writing on health and disease. He used to write in the newspaper on Health and Disease. When he took a job in HMO in 1977 in his 2nd semester in college; is when he met his 1st Nurse Practitioner. That’s when he set his goal to become a NP. He states,† He never heard of a Nurse Practitioner before, he only heard of a physician’s assistant â€Å". Durk was determined to gain the experience he needed and was not in a hurry to do so. He worked in Larned, Kansas in a state mental institution for the criminally insane. Including also working in 3 different types of jail environments. Durk was also, enlisted in the army for the Nurse Core in his junior year in college. He was a Nurse Orderly in our time now is called a nursing assistant for 4years. He was an officer 2nd lieutenant for 3 years in the army. When he was in Korea he gained experience in medical surgery. Durk also, gained experience in orthopedic, neurosurgery, working with drug abusers, and people who had addictions to drugs/alcohol. He continued to gain experience by taking a job in the Missouri Clinic. They had no hospital in the county. The clinic was all they had; he worked there for 10 years. When his patients needed care that he could not perform he would have to send the patients 50 miles out of the clinic just to see a cardiologist and etc. Durk took another job in Ganado, Arizona where he worked as an orderly with deliveries, surgeries, saw TB, and even buried people. When the family members didn’t want to bury them or no one wanted to, a long time ago Durk and the Janitor dug the holes and buried the dead patients. Now, he is currently a Nurse Practitioner here in Gallup he says his patients here are harder due to diabetes and hypertension. He recalls the hardest patients for him was when he worked in a Cancer Clinic that was very aggressive to helping the patient gain some hope to be cancer free. He states,† There was at least one patient dying every week†. This was a very hard field to work with because of the high deaths of kids, young and old patients. He was the only Nurse Practitioner to last a year there. Most of the NP’s only lasted to 6 months if that. My perceptions before the interview were was he is very happy with his career and seems to be an absolute good-hearted person. He loves what he does and has enjoyed getting the experience he has. He states, †I have still not experienced everything there is to experience and I have been a Nurse Practitioner for 30 years†. When I asked him about his background he was real happy to talk about his experiences. By the way he talks about his patients you can tell in his tone he cares a lot about his patients. He says the youngest patient he attended to was 2 weeks old and the oldest was 106 years old. He has seen a 5-generation family and really has a lot of fun with his job. When I interviewed Dr. Lynch on the following questions he was not expecting the questions I asked. I asked him the first question. What specific communication skill does people entering your lines of work require? He answered, â€Å"You have to be a good communicator to talk to other doctors and communicate on paper. You are always interacting with people to get the help you need for your patients†. The second question I asked him was how important are public speaking skills to your job? He answered, â€Å"I don’t really do that and when I do its occasionally†. The only time he had to talk in front of people was at a commencement ceremony. He doesn’t really like to talk in front of a huge crowd. The last question I asked was how important to success in your career is effective public speaking? He stated, â€Å"Public speaking is not a big event in my career. It’s not really what I do maybe I shy away from it. In my career I only talk one on one wi th my patients and there family. Everything I discuss with my patients is private and confidential. So therefore I don’t need to really give a speech among a crowd.† I really enjoyed the interview listening to his experience and made me want to strive even more to become a good Nurse Practitioner. His words were really helpful and he gave me helpful tips on what route to take to get to my career goals. I thanked him for his time and thanked him for the helpful advice. That was my interview that I chose to talk about according to my field I am interested in.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Biography of Malcolm Knowles Essay

IntroductionOne cannot imply heavy(p) Education with come out making propagation to the internationally reputable large(p) pedagogicsist by the name of Malcolm guard Knowles. Malcolm is known for leading both as an medieval coachman and practiti unmatchabler who played a all important(p) role in the development and the screening of braggart(a) encyclopedism across the clod (George, 2011).BackgroundMalcolm Shepherded Knowles was born in overbearing 24, 1913 in Livingstone, Montana. His parents were Dr. and Mrs. Dr. A. D. Knowles. He loved to act in sports and outdoor activities from an early age. In addition to this, he was an avid lookout during his youthful years. He was also an academically astute student. This was stool evident when he graduated at the top of his hunt down of battlefield from the Palm Beach High School in 1930. Consequently, he was admitted to the distinguished Harvard University where he graduated with a Bachelor of arts degree in 1934.Dur ing his stay at this prestigious institution, he took courses in philosophy, literature, history, semipolitical science, ethics and international law (George, 2011). He was also fascinated with extracurricular activities. This made him to be appointed the president of the Harvard great(p) Club, general secretary of the New England smirch League of Nations, and President of the Phillips Brooks Ho character. His enfolding in voluntary service for the last mentioned got him working with boys club and this formed a crucial platform for his fruitful locomote in freehanded facts of life and fond service.CareerMalcolm Knowles went on to work with the theme Youth Administration in mammy where he was responsible for dedicateing the skills requirements for local employers and establish a course for the entire study body and inform those skills to the young people. In the course of this work he met professor Eduard Lindeman who went on to become Malcolms teach in self-aggrandizi ng education. As he continued in this work he married Hulda Fornell whom he had met at Harvard. In 1940, he assumed the role of coach of enceinte Education. This enab guide him to set up an fellowship school for enceintes at the Boston YMCA. It is from this impersonate that he was drafted into the Second World warfare in 1943. In 1946, he took the position of Director of grown Education at the YMCA. He proceeded to pursue his procures degree in Arts at the University of Chicago and graduated in 1949. chthonian the mentorship of Cyril O.Houle he became executive director of the self-aggrandising Education Association of the USA which had been pertly formed. He joined the Boston University in 1959 as an associate professor. During this beat, he was truly instrumental in launching a new graduate program in the field of adult education. He later(prenominal) joined the Fielding Graduate University in Massachusetts where he continued to teach until his retirement in 1979 (Geo rge, 2011). Despite the position that he had retired, Knowles had already achieved his PhD continued to be involved in the field of Adult Education. During this time he became a prof Emeritus at the North Carolina evince University where he continued to write books and articles regarding adult education. Dr. Knowles passed away on Thanksgiving solar day in 1997 at his home in Fayetteville, Arkansas due to stroke.Malcolm Knowless ContributionsMalcolms contributions in education can neer go unmentioned in especially in the field of adult education. He created a model which is still in use today in the field of adult education. This was the possibility of andragogy. This surmisal was based on the differences in the knowledge styles between the children and the adults. This theory was developed after a consummate(a) study of humanistic clinical psychological science and the relationships which were derived from it. frankincense, this theory was based on atomic number 23 basic as sumptions about the features of adult learners (Malcolm, 1950). These features brought out a very different berth from the features which were observed in children. These features included the undermentioned aspects (Malcolm, 1950) the self-concept which is a person usually, matures over time from possessing a dependent personality towards one of being a self-directed one. come this is the second feature which usually brings with it a huge amount of experience that an single(a) has gained over time.Readiness to learn the native motivation for a persons readiness to earn may falsify from being one of earnestness of intimacy in his youth to one of eagerness to develop their cordial standing. Lastly, orientation to learning, as a person matures, his perspective of problems and urgencies stagger to one of a frantic nature. Thus a person starts focusing more than on his problems than the subject of his problems. Dr. Malcolm grounded the concept of adult education by bringing o n board the principle of Adult Education. This came to the ahead as disrupt o his Masters thesis as he was searching for a coherent and all-around(prenominal) theory of adult learning when he hit upon the light theory of adult education. He held the opinion that an organized course was usually better for new learning of an intensive nature while an informal association or club provided the scoop out opportunity for practicing and refining the things which were taught (Malcolm, 1950).Dr. Malcolm spent a further fourteen years producing study texts in the field of adult education. His whole kit and boodle include the Modern Practice of Adult Education (1970) and The Adult Learner (1973). These texts suspensor to establish him as a primal figure in adult education in the United States of America. Through them, the theory of andragogy was further popularized. He also accepted the value and the importance of learning conversation skills. This is because he believed that humans have to interact with each other on a daily basis, therefore the knowledge of conference should be included as part of their curriculum. In order to aid an adult in the familiarity, Dr. Malcolm believed that adult education should be able to enable the adults to develop a clear understanding of them through learning about their own needs and selves.Secondly, adults should figure out a mindset of acceptance, love and view towards others. This would swear out them to establish healthy relationships with others in the society. Adults should also possess an accepting locating towards change. Adults should also figure out solutions to a general cause instead of fretting over the cause itself. This would help them to develop what he called an active and logical mind that would help them to make any situation and make it better. Adults should also have an understanding of the society and be proactive in instituting social change. This can be done by making every adult certain of th e important issues such as political, economic, international affairs and the business aspects of life.ConclusionIn conclusion, Dr. Malcolm Shepherd Knowles played a major role in the development and arrangement of adult education. Despite the fact that he is no longer a hold up, his work, ideas and innovations still live on and inspire more strategies in adult learning. His efforts led to the development of the Theories of Andragogy and sovereign Learning (George, 2011). In addition to this, he was the first person to chart the mount and progress of the entire adult education movement which took center stage in the United States of America. This informed the process that led to the development of general theory and reading of informal adult education. Dr. Knowles remains to be a great inspiration to many an(prenominal) academicians who have benefited from his ideas as well as the professionals in the field of adult education.ReferencesGeorge, W. (2011). Malcolm Shepherd Knowle s A History of His Thought (Education in aCompetitive and Globalizing World). London Nova Science . Malcolm, S. K. (1950). Informal Adult Education. Chicago Association Press.

Conference Management

Abstract This scheme aims to bring on a common plan for organizing activities of comp each. The gathering precaution corpse exit carry on the abstracts and look for cover give inted by scholars, inspectioning them, and accepting or rejecting them. This move on greatly reduce the costs and efforts of the gathering managers and seeds where they plenty nowadays interact through nedeucerk. Currently there is a need for much(prenominal) a collection direction remains, where seek group discussions relating to diametrical fields shtup be managed by single cover. This per influenceance potty force all number of multitudes and large number of publisher bed be deviateted.The environment take a shitd would enhance the usability of concourses thereby facilitating the exploreers to shoot their opuss neat and fashioning organisers to manage the look fors by forwarding it to the jury and taking their fannyvass. This would reduce a diffuse of effor t. It would excessively clear the need to name expertness on employing slew for managing all such(prenominal) activities. It would smooth the progress of congregation focus and all the activities testament take browse in well up-defined manner. elude of Contents pageboy No. RecommendationI Dissertation Approval Sheet II Candidate Declaration tercetAcknowlight-emitting diodegementIV AbstractV Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 1 Over linear perspective and issues convolute01 1. 2 trouble definition 01 1. 3Problem Solution 01 Chapter-2 Literature glance 2. 1 Methodology 03 2. 2 Technologies and barbs 04 Chapter-3 Requirements gathering 3. 1 Softw be destinys 08 3. 2 Hardw ar essentials 98 3. 3 usage case model 10 Chapter-4 abstract 4. 1 place plots 18 4. 2 use draws 22 Chapter-5 Design 5. 1 engineering picking 25 5. 2 Database take 28 5. 3 Implementation detail Chapter-6 exam 6. 1Test case and purport30 6. 2Testing manners and strategies31Conclusion 37 Bibliograp hy38 Chapter-1 Introduction This comp each precaution tool aims at improving the comp all management practices and reduces the burden on the decompose of organizers, and departs the technical solution for the seek stem submission and palingenesiss. 1. 1 Overview and Issues Involved in that respect ar large numbers of assemblys being taking em effect at different locations all over the human beings, we clear seen exploreers and eminent educationist submit their interrogation document at these conferences, they e realdayly remove to send the research publisher through post and it takes a skunk of season.This project is foc employ towards developing a management strategy that volition cater to the ask of the conference organizers. 1. 2 Problem Definition In the drink scenario, the conference organizers face a lot of problems in coordinating heterogeneous activities that are associated with conference. This increases a lot of effort and needs a lot of expert ise and large numbers of people are essential to manage all the summons. This definitely is non an flourishing task. There is a lot of trouble involved in submitting a research subject to a conference and so sending it to a jury, for review and their comments.To speed up this process of conference management was our main focus in this project. 1. 3 Problem Solution This project will be a fine demonstration of efficient use of engine room and engineering in the entanglement- industry developing field. This will cut down the organizing and alimentation cost of conferences and will to a fault reduce the efforts of causation to send their research text file through post. This is make through creation of a conference management application that would assist the organizers to tramp their conference effectively.Our parcel product conference management dodge is designed and essential to lead the rigid solution for the handling of conferences. We have designed an port w ine that will provide the platform for the researchers and educationist to submit their research written document online and it will be forwarded to jury for their review and comments. The schema will help the users to make water peeled conference by providing the instruction of the conference and the request will be forwarded to the executive director for effectualation.The executive quarter accept or reject the conference request and he will have to ascendency to delete the germ if he is found doing guilty activity on the administration. The contribute of the conference will land on the schedule commissioning atoms to review the bracingspaper publishers submitted in that conference. The mince earth-closet check the lucubrate of the paper submitted in the conference installed by him. The course committee member will be reviewing the conference for which he is ap catameniaed by the mince to review the conference. The computer course of study committee ba sin download the research paper for reading it so it can be reviewed in a better manner. . 1 Methodology To manoeuvre this parcel product in a surmount do sufficient way, the user should have virtually knowledge of accessing internet and navigating the internet through any(prenominal)(prenominal) browser. He should be aware of how conferences are forceed and the working of musical arrangement that soldierys the conference i. e. from submitting of paper, forwarding it to the jury, and indeed finalizing selected research papers. 1 body port wines As our strategy is completely an self-directed system in itself thus it does not require any external API or any interface for interaction with any early(a) system.It just interacts with the decision maker and authors, but not with any former(a) packet comp sensationnt. 2 Interfaces Our system will interact with the user only through the well defined graphical user interface. node innkeeper architecture will be requir ed for load-bearing(a) the application. Client innkeeper Architecture A waiter is anything that has some re computer address that can be shared. There are Com mystifyer master of ceremoniess, which provide compute force print hordes, which manage a collection of printers phonograph recording servers, which provide networked saucer space and network servers, which fund weathervane pages.A knob is simply any other entity that wants to gain access to a particular server. The interaction amid client and server is just analogous the interaction between a lamp and an electrical socket. The power grid of the house is the server, and the lamp is a power client. The server is a permanently open re book of facts, while the client is free to unplug after it is has been served. pic frame 2. 1 Client-Server Architecture 2. 2 Technologies and Tools NetBeans NetBeans refer to both a platform framework for java desktop applications,and an combine development environment(IDE).The N etBeans IDE is written in burnt umber and can run anywhere a compatible JVM is installed, including windows, mackintosh OS, Linux, etc. The NetBeans platform allows application to be veritable from a set of modular parcel product components called modules. The NetBeans broadcast is a reusable framework for simplifying the development of coffee bean Swing desktop applications. Among the features of the platform are drug user interface management (e. g. menus, toolbars) User settings management depot management (saving and loading any kind of data) Window management Wizard framework ( gets step-by-step dialogs) NetBeans ocular Library Integrated development Tools adobe brick Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both optic and label-level capabilities for creating trites- ground websites and designs for the desktop, smart phones, tablets, and other devices. It is a site create and publishing tool appro priate for intermediate to modern users that allows you to create graphical interface and built-in pass on design and coding features.It enables use of basic javaScript with bug out any coding knowledge. Integrating features of Adobe Dreamweaver are abominable it integrates with Adobes Spry Ajax framework and that makes an palmy access to dynamically-generated content and interfaces. Adobe Dreamweaver is in like manner corporate with Adobe Flash Professional, Fireworks, Photoshop Extended this lessens the amount of stages for devising projects. Adobe Dreamweaver supports leading web development technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, coffee treeScript, Ajax, PHP, Adobe ColdFusion software, which make designing and development really magical.Powerful CSS tools do not need crock up utilities, and reduce the need to manually edit CSS order in designing and developing websites. Adobe Dreamweaver is the best application for extension developers and web designers who design and put up websites. MySQL Mysql is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. Free-software- incon brassrate extraction projects that require a full-featured database management system oft use MySQL.For commercial use, several(prenominal) paid editions are obtainable, and offer excess in operation(p)ity. Uses MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a inter careen component of the astray use LAMP web application software stackLAMP is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python. MySQL is apply in some of the most frequently visited web sites on the Internet, including Flickr. com, Nokia. com, YouTube and as previously mentioned, Wikipedia, Google and Facebook. Glass Fish Server Glassfish is an open source application server project led by sunniness Microsystems for the coffee bean EE platform.The branded version is called Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Glassfish is free software. The latest version of GlassFish released is v3. 1. Other chocolate EE application servers JBoss AS WebSphere AS WebLogic Server Apache Geronimo MODULE-2 JDBC/ODBC ODBC(Open Database Connectivity) is a commonplace software interface for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it in hooklike ofbroadcastming languages, database systems, and operational systems. thusly, any application can use ODBC to query data from a database, heedless of the platform it is on or DBMS it uses.ODBC accomplishes platform and language independence by development anODBC number one woodas a translation layer between the application and the DBMS. The application thus only needs to know ODBC syntax, and the driver can and so pass the query to the DBMS in its indwelling format, returning(a) the data in a format the application can netherstand. java DataBase Connecti vity, commonly referred to asJDBC, is anAPIfor the deep brown computer political programmeming languagethat defines how a client whitethorn access adatabase. It provides methods for querying and update data in a database. JDBC is oriented towards relational databases.A JDBC-to-ODBCbridge enables connections to any ODBC-accessible data source in theJVMhost environment. JDBC allows eightfold implementations to exist and be used by the same application. The API provides a mechanism for dynamically loading the invent deep brown packages and registering them with the JDBC Driver Manager. The Driver Manager is used as a connection factory for creating JDBC connections. JDBC connections support creating and executing statements. These may be update statements such asSQLs CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE, or they may be query statements such as SELECT. MySql tom Server.Rational Rose Model Rational rose is an disapprove oriented Unified part model Language (UML) software design tool intended for visual simulate and component body structure of imageprise level software applications. Rose facilitates reject-oriented analysis design, better known for OOAD. In fact, Rose is an acronym for Rational Object Oriented parcel Engineering. The great things about Rose is that it allows analysts, engineers, printrs and project managers to create, view, fudge modeling elements in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) across the entire enterprise, employ one tool and one language.The tools accredited value is that it exposes software development problems early on in the development life cycle, helping you manage everything from straight forward projects to more complex software solutions. Basically, Rose supports use-case driven prey modeling. Chapter-3 Requirement gather 3. 1 parcel Requirements Functional Requirements SRS 001 Add bracing author This system shall be able to add new users with legal email-id. SRS 002 Install group group management system sha ll provide users to add new conferences. SRS 003 Submit a paper Authors can submit their papers in already existing clear conferences. SRS 004 throng logicalation by administrator all told the conferences are supportd by administrators so as to avoid any unauthorized researches. SRS 005 Program committee selection by Chair Eminent program committee is selected by chair so as to provide best expertise and best research papers are selected. SRS 006 constitution selection by Program committee The program committee can select the papers which he wants to review. SRS 007 Upload review The program committee member can upload his review for selected papers. SRS 008 Mail to Authors and PC member The chair can send mail from time to time to program committee member and author. SRS 009 report card download The program committee can download the paper for further reading. SRS 009 Review form download The program committee can download the review form for making reviews. SRS 0 11 User feedback Users worthy feedback provides us a constant motivation of improvement. Table 3. 1 Showing Functional Requirements Non- operational Requirements SRS012 Access permit The conference management system shall have several symbols of access permissions. For instance, the administrator is shall be able to authorize conference requests and delete the author.At the same time, authors shall have limit access to already submitted research papers. SRS013 Maintainability The system shall provide the capability to backup the database and it is very easy to bear and work on. SRS014 Reliability The system shall be getable all the time, only a internet connectivity is required. SRS015 tractability The conference management system shall be ductile and adaptable due to future plans of expanding the system. Table 3. 2 Showing Non-Functional Requirements Development End Operating System (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) umber Development kit (JDK) 5 or above HTML e ditor (Macromedia Dreamweaver 8) Client End Internet connection. A java enabled browser. 3. 2 Hardware Requirements Development End 500Mhz Intel Pentium-III or gameyer(prenominal) processor An Internet connection 512 MB break up 600 MB of free hard-drive space, for each platform downloaded into the SDK, an additional 100MB is call for. Client End 500 MHz Pentium III processor above. 2 GB hard disk and 256 MB of RAM. An internet enabled device. Web Browser installed operating system. 3. 3 Use Case Model In this project, the analysis and design is used as a technique to conduct a research into conference management system. Design is completely based on definition of problem and the knowledge based construct. The use-case diagram which clearly depicts how this system behaves is constructed. End users can easily circumspect the operations carried out.Also the relationship between various elements is visible and the constraints are easily identified. pic bod 1. 1 Use case for Author. pic Fig 1. 2 Use case diagram for Program committee member. pic Fig 1. 3 Use case diagram for editor in chief pic Fig 1. 4 Use case diagram for Administrator Use Case commentary 3. 3. 1 UC01 Login 3. 3. 1. 1 descriptionThe user logs in the web site. 3. 3. 1. 2 hang of eventsUser opens the login page enter his id and news, and clicks on login button. 3. 3. 1. 2. 1 substitute Flows N. A. 3. 3. 1. 3 special requirementsN. A. 3. 3. 1. Pre physiquesThe user moldinessiness have registered him before with the web site and should check up on a valid tarradiddle. 3. 3. 1. 5 impart contours The user gets access to the site. 3. 3. 1. 6 extension phone come outN. A. 3. 3. 2 UC02 Sign Up 3. 3. 2. 1 DescriptionThe user registers him by entering his dilate. An account is made where his compose selective information is maintained. 3. 3. 2. 2 Flow of events Entering all the fields and then clicking on submit button. 3. 3. 2. 2. 1 utility(a) Flows N. A. 3. 3. 2. 3 supern umerary requirements N. A. 3. 3. 2. 4 Preconditions The user should have a valid email account.The mandatory fields should not be left empty. 3. 3. 2. 5 carry conditionsThe user has a valid account on the website. 3. 3. 2. 6 appendix promontoryN. A. 3. 3. 3 UC03 Install a Conference 3. 3. 3. 1 Description The author can create a new conference. 3. 3. 3. 2 Flow of events Users logs in, and then go to chooses create conference option and enters the conference details and submits his request. 3. 3. 3. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 3. 3 supererogatory requirementsN. A. 3. 3. 3. 4 Preconditions The user moldiness have a valid account on the web site. 3. 3. 3. charge conditions The request for a new conference is submitted. 3. 3. 3. 6 Extension point N. A. 3. 3. 4 UC04 Submit Paper 3. 3. 4. 1 Description The author can submit his research paper on the existing conferences. 3. 3. 4. 2 Flow of events Author logs in, and then goes to chooses submit conference option and enters the research paper details and submits his paper. 3. 3. 4. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 4. 3 modified requirementsThe author must have a valid research paper. 3. 3. 4. 4 Preconditions The author must have a valid account on the web site. . 3. 4. 5 Post conditions The authors research paper is submitted and will be forwarded to jury for review. 3. 3. 4. 6 Extension point N. A. 3. 3. 5 UC05 Edit Profile 3. 3. 5. 1 DescriptionThe user can access his own profile information. He can either view or edit the profile. 3. 3. 5. 2 Flow of events Users logs in, and then goes to My-Account division to view and edit his profile information. 3. 3. 5. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 5. 3 supererogatory requirements 3. 3. 5. 4 Preconditions The user must have a valid account on the website. 3. 3. . 5 Post conditions The profile information is updated. 3. 3. 5. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 6 UC06 Validate Conference 3. 3. 6. 1 Description The administrator can validate the conference requ ests. 3. 3. 6. 2 Flow of events The administrator logs in and then goes to selects the validate conference option, then selects the conference requests which is to be validated. 3. 3. 6. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 6. 3 Special requirements N. A. 3. 3. 6. 4 PreconditionsThe administrator must hold a valid account and must be decently logged in. . 3. 6. 5 Post condition The selected conferences are validated. 3. 3. 6. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 7 UC07 Add PC member 3. 3. 7. 1 Description The chair has the effective to invite the PC member to review the paper for a particular conference. 3. 3. 7. 2 Flow of events The author has to convert his voice from author to chair, then select the conference for which he wants to invite the PC member. 3. 3. 7. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 7. 3 Special requirements The author has to change his design from author to chair to be able to add 3. 3. . 4 PreconditionsThe author is properly logged in and changes his economic consumpt ion from author to editor. 3. 3. 7. 5 Post condition The PC member is invited to review the paper for a particular conference. 3. 3. 7. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 8 UC08 Review the paper 3. 3. 8. 1 Description The PC member can review the paper for which chair has invited him. 3. 3. 8. 2 Flow of events The author will have to starting time change his role to PC member, then select the conference which he wants to review and then select the research paper for which he wants to bring through review.The PC member posts his review for that paper. 3. 3. 8. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 8. 3 Special requirements The author must be added by chair as a PC member for that conference. 3. 3. 8. 4 PreconditionsThe PC member should be added by program chair to review that conference, and he should have changed his role from author to PC member. 3. 3. 8. 5 Post condition The author posts the review of the paper. 3. 3. 8. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 9 UC09 Download Paper 3. 3. 9. 1 Descr iption The PC member can download the research paper. 3. 3. 9. Flow of events The author changes his role from author to PC member, selects the conference and particular research paper, then downloads the paper. 3. 3. 9. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 9. 3 Special requirements The author must be added by chair as a PC member for that conference. 3. 3. 9. 4 PreconditionsThe PC member should be added by program chair to review that conference, and he should have changed his role from author to PC member. 3. 3. 9. 5 Post condition The PC member downloads the paper. 3. 3. 9. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 10 UC010 View Paper Details 3. 3. 10. Description The PC member can check the details of the research paper. 3. 3. 10. 2 Flow of events The author changes his role from author to PC member, selects the conference and particular research paper, then views the detail of paper. 3. 3. 10. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 10. 3 Special requirements The author must be added by chair as a PC member for that conference. 3. 3. 10. 4 PreconditionsThe PC member should be added by program chair to review that conference, and he should have changed his role from author to PC member. 3. 3. 10. 5 Post condition The PC member check the details of paper. 3. 3. 0. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 8 UC11 strike down Author 3. 3. 11. 1 Description The administrator can delete any author if he does any illegal activity. 3. 3. 11. 2 Flow of events The administrator logs in and selects the author to be deleted. 3. 3. 11. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 11. 3 Special requirements N. A. 3. 3. 11. 4 PreconditionsThe administrator must hold a valid account and must be properly logged in. 3. 3. 11. 5 Post condition The author is deleted from the system. 3. 3. 11. 6 Extension pointN. A. 3. 3. 12 UC12 Logout 3. 3. 12. 1 Description The administrator can delete the author. . 3. 12. 2 Flow of events The administrator logs in and selects the logout option and administrator is logged out. 3. 3. 12. 2. 1 Alternative Flows N. A. 3. 3. 12. 3 Special requirements N. A. 3. 3. 12. 4 PreconditionsThe administrator must hold a valid account and must be properly logged in. 3. 3. 12. 5 Post condition The author is logged out from administrator page. 3. 3. 12. 6 Extension pointN. A. Chapter-4 Analysis 4. 1 sequence plot A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram in UML that emphasizes the time order of the messages. It shows how processes operate one with another and in what order.It shows analog vertical lines as different processes or physical objects that remain simultaneously, and horizontal arrows as the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur. The boxes across the top of the diagram represent the use cases, objects, programmees, or actors. The dashed lines wall hanging from the boxes are called object lifelines, representing the life span of the object during the scenario being modeled. The retentive, thin boxes on the lifelines are ener gizing boxes, also called method-invocation boxes, which indicate processing is being performed by the target object/ figure to fulfill a message.Messages are indicated on UML sequence diagrams as labelled arrows, when the source and target of a message is an object or kind the label is the signature of the method invoked in response to the message. Return values are optionally indicated using a dashed arrow with a label indicating the return value. pic Fig 4. 1 Sequence Diagram for Login pic Fig 4. 2 Sequence Diagram for Sign Up pic Fig 4. 3 Sequence Diagram for My-Account Section pic Fig 4. 4 Sequence Diagram for Paper Submission pic Fig 4. 5 Sequence Diagram for Conference governing body pic Fig 4. 6 Sequence Diagram to add PC member. pic Fig 4. Sequence Diagram to print review for a paper. pic Fig 4. 8 Sequence Diagram to check submission details of a conference. 4. 2 practise Diagram An Activity Diagram is essentially a flow chart show flow of control from activity to act ivity. They are used to model the dynamic asp viperects of as system. They can also be used to model the flow of an object as it moves from state to state at different points in the flow of control. Activity diagrams commonly go over fork start & end symbol. pic Fig 4. 7 Activity diagram for Author pic Fig. 4. 8 Activity diagram for administrator Chapter-5 Design 5. 1 Technology SelectionWe are a part of a chop-chop changing software industry. hot and better softwares are created every day. The main function of the software is to provide comfort to its users and also to the other developers. java chocolate Platform, Standard Edition or chocolate SE is a widely used platform for schedule in the burnt umber language. It is the Java Platform used to deploy portable applications for general use. In practical terms, Java SE consists of a virtual machine, which must be used to run Java programs, together with a set of libraries needed to allow the use of file systems, networks, graphical interfaces, and so on, from within those programs.Java Development Kit jdk 1_5_0 it has been by far-off the most widely used Java SDK Sun contributed the source enactment to the OpenJDK. The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a Sun Microsystems product aimed at Java developers. Since the introduction of Java, it has been by far the most widely used Java Software Development Kit. A Java Development Kit (JDK) is a program development environment for writing Java applets and applications.It consists of a runtime environment that sits on top of the operating system layer as well as the tools and programming that developers need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications written in the Java language. A JVM can also execute byte label compiled from programming languages other than Java. Java was conceived with the concept of WORA write once, run anywhere. This is done using the Java Virtual Machine. The JVM is the environment in which Java programs execute. It is software that is implemented on non-virtual hardware and on standard operating systems.JVM is a crucial component of the Java platform, and because JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms, Java can be both middleware and a platform in its own right, hence the earmark write once, run anywhere. The use of the same byte code for all platforms allows Java to be described as compile once, run anywhere, as contrasted to write once, compile anywhere, which describes cross-platform compiled languages. A JVM also enables such features as automated exception handling, which provides root-cause debugging information for every software error (exception), independent of the source code.A JVM is distributed along with a set of standard class libraries that implement the Java application programming interface (API). Appropriate APIs bundled together form the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Javas execution environment is termed the Java Runtime Environment, or JRE. Programs intended t o run on a JVM must be compiled into a standardized portable binary format, which typically comes in the form of . class files. A program may consist of many classes in different files. For easier distribution of large programs, multiple class files may be packaged together in a . jar file. JSP and ServletsA servlet is a Java programming language class used to anesthetize the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed via a request-response programming model. Although servlets can respond to any type of request, they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by Web servers. To deploy and run, the Apache Tomcat Server may be used. It is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP) preconditions from Sun Microsystems, and provides a slender Java HTTP web server environment for Java code to run.Java Server Pages(JSP) is aJava applied science that helpssof tware developersservedynamically generated web pagesbased on HTML,XML, or other document types. JSP may be viewed as a high-level inductive reasoning ofJava servlets. JSP pages are loaded in the server and are operated from a structured special installed Java server packet called a Java EE Web Application, often packaged as a. waror. earfile archive. JSP allows Java code and certain pre-defined actions to be interleaved with static web markup content, with the resulting page being compiled and executed on the server to deliver an HTML or XML document.The compiled pages and any dependent Java libraries use Java byte code quite a than a native software format, and must thus be executed within aJava virtual machine(JVM) that integrates with the hostoperating systemto provide an abstract platform-neutral environment. MySQL as a backend Features of MySQL 1. secureness Of course, the speed at which a server side program runs depends primarily on the server hardware. inclined that the server hardware is optimal, MySQL runs very fast. It supports clustered servers for demanding applications. 2. console of use MySQL is a high-performance, relatively simple database system.From the beginning, MySQL has typically been configured, monitored, and managed from the command line. However, several MySQL graphical interfaces are available as described below MySQL Administrator This tool makes it possible for administrators to set up, evaluate, and tune their MySQL database server. This is intended as a replacement for mysqladmin. MySQL Query Browser Provides database developers and operators with a graphical database operation interface. It is especially useful for seeing multiple query plans and result sets in a single user interface. Configuration Wizard Administrators can choose from a predefined list of optimal settings, or create their own. MySQL System Tray Provides Windows-based administrators a single view of their MySQL instance, including the ability to star t and stop their database servers. 3. Cost MySQL is available free of cost. MySQL is a Open Source database. MySQL is part of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python) environemtn, a fast growing open source enterprise software stack. More and more companies are using LAMP as an alternative to expensive branded oftware stacks because of its lower cost, dependability, and documentation. 4. Query Language expect MySQL understands standards based SQL (Structured Query Language). 5. Capability Many clients can connect to the server at the same time. Clients can use multiple database simultaneously. You can access MySQL using several interfaces such as command-line clients, Web browsers. 6. Connectivity and auspices MySQL is fully networked, and database can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet, so you can share your data with anyone, anywhere.The connectivity could be achieved with Windows programs by using ODBC drivers. By using the ODBC connexion to MySQL, any ODBC-aw are client application (for example, Microsoft Office, report writers, opthalmic Basic) can connect to MySQL. 7. Portability MySQL runs on many varieties of UNIX, as well as on other non-UNIX systems, such as Windows and OS/2. MySQL runs on hardware from headquarters PCs to high-end server. MySQL can be installed on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, trigger-happy Hat Fedora Linux, Debian Linux, and others. We have maintained our database in MySQL that involves maintenance of information. 5. Database Design It is defined as alter repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format. Our data vocabulary is designed in order to fulfill A document describing a database or collection of databases An intact component of a DBMS that is required to suss out its structure A piece of middleware that extends or supplants the native data dictionary of a DBMS. The most gainsay phase of the system life cycle is system design. The te rm design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed.It refers to the technical specifications that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. It also includes the construction of programs and program scrutiny. System design is a solution, a how to begin the creation of a new system. This grave phase is composed of several steps. It provides understanding and adjectival details requisite for implementing the system recommended in the feasibleness study. Emphasis is on translating the performance requirements into design specifications. The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format.Samples of the output and introduce are also presented. Second, input data and master files (database) have to be designed to come upon the requirements of the proposed output. The operational (processing) phases are handled through program construction and examination, including a list of programs needed to meet the systems obj ectives and to complete documentation. in the end, details related to justification of the system and an estimate of the impact of the candidate system on the user and the organization are documented and evaluated by management as a step toward implementation.The design approach that was suited for the project turned out to be object-oriented design. It creates a representation of the real world problem worldly concern & maps it into a solution domain that is software. Unlike other methods, object-oriented design results in a design that interconnects data objects(data items) & processing operations in a way that modularizes information & processing , sort of than processing alone. E-R diagrams represent the schemas or the overall organization of the system. In order to begin constructing the basic model, the modeller must analyze the information gathered during the requirement analysis for the purpose of classifying data objects as either entities or attributes, ? identifying an d be relationships between entities, ? naming and defining identified entities, attributes, and relationships, ? documenting this information in the data document. ? Finally draw its ER diagram. To accomplish these goals the modeler must analyze narratives from users, notes from meeting, policy and procedure documents, and, if lucky, design documents from the true information system. pic Fig 5. 1 Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram. Chapter 6 Testing 6. Test Case and Design Software exam is a critical element of software quality assurance and the ultimate review of specification, design and code generation . Testing of the software leads to show of errors in the software and reveal that whether software is functional and performance requirement are met. Testing also provides a good indication of software reliability as software quality as a whole. The result of different phases are evaluated and then compared with the pass judgment results. If the errors are uncovered they are debugged and corrected.A strategy approach to software examen has the generic characteristics Testing begins at the module level and works outwards towards the desegregation of the entire computer based system. Different exam techniques are appropriate at different point of time. Testing and debugging are different activities, but debugging must be accommodating in the testing strategy. A strategy for the software testing must be accommodate low level tests that are necessary to verify that a small source code segment is performing correctly according to the customers requirement and that of developers expectations.Testing Objectives Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. A good test case is one which has a high probability of finding an as yet undetected error. A undefeated test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error. Our objective is to design tests that systematically uncover different classes of errors and to do so with stripped-down amount of time and effort. Testing Principles All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. Tests should be planned long before testing begins. The Pareto principle applies to software testing. Testing should begin in the small and progress towards testing in the large. Exhaustive testing is not possible. To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party. 6. 2 Testing Methods and Strategies any(prenominal) engineered product can be tested in one of two ways White-Box Testing acute the internal workings of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that the internal operation performs according to specification and all internal components have been adequately exercised.For testing our project, we have used the bootleg-Box testing methods, and a short circuit description of this testing method follows Black-Box Testing Black box testing, also called Behavioral testing, focuses on the functional Requirements of th e software. It enables the software engineer to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. It is a complementary approach to White-Box testing that is likely to uncover a different class of errors. Black Box testing attempts to find errors in the pursual categories unseasonable or missing functions Interface errors Errors in data structures Behavior or performance errors Initialization and termination errors. scenes for Test cases pic Fig 6. 2. 1 cinch for login Test Cases Description following testing checks the authenticity of the end-user. Test 01 Test case for successful Login Login ID pushpendra Password blackboard System Output no-hit Login Test 02 Test case for incorrect password Login ID pushpendra Password chalk System Output Incorrect user-id or Password pic Fig 6. 2. 2 Snapshot for conference installation Test CasesDescription this lets you install a new conference. Test 01 Conference name world(prenomina l) conference on environmental studies Conference acronym ICES netmail emailprotected com City Indore Country India Your role chair look into area environmental Any other information Send request System output conference successfully installed. pic Fig 6. 2. 3 Snapshot for paper submission Test Cases Description this lets you submit your research paper in your desired conference. Test 01 spend a penny mohit maheshwari E-mail mohit. emailprotected om Country India Organization Accenture India Title demoralise computing Abstract benefits of new cloud computing Keyword ACC Paper paper1. pdf Browse System output new paper successfully submitted. pic Fig 6. 2. 4 Snapshot for changing role Test Cases Description this lets you change the role as per as requirement. Test 01 toast role Author alter role New role Chair System output Your role successfully changed. pic Fig 6. 2. 5 Snapshot for updating profile Test Cases Description this lets you update your own(prenominal) information. Test 01 Name ankit Jainist Contact number 9407217505 E mail emailprotected com Organization Microsoft India Country India Password anjtdf Change password fhdfioh Submit System output your profile successfully updated. pic Fig 6. 2. 6 Snapshot for review of the paper Test Cases Description this lets you review the form previously submitted by you. Test 01 ID 412 Author mohit jain Review rating 4. 5 Comment it was very innovative. Submit System output your form has been successfully reviewed. Conclusion Softwares are making everyday life of humans being easier & faster.This type web-application shows How we can solve management problem? Hence, software is managing the record & database in behalf of humans. After completion of this website, authors and administrator can now access the conferences and can submit the research paper of their delight field. It is aimed at improving the infrastructure of the conference organizers by providing authors an opportunity to submit their pape rs. Thus it can manage the entire conference process related to paper submission, jury selection, and paper review, under the complete control of the administrator.In our project, we have used Mysql RDBMS for the creation, maintenance and use of the database. The user interface is designed using Java servlets, JSP using Netbeans IDE. We have defined two users for this system, author and administrator, each with their own access and rights and activities. This project allowed us to interact with JSP and servlets. We explored java database connectivity and also became familiar with requirements of a conference management system. BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFRENCES 7. 1 BOOKS REFERED The following books were used extensively for the project development and implementation. . The land up pen Java2 Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Company Limited. By- Herbert Schildt. 2. The Complete Reference to JAVA SERVER PAGES 3. Head First Java Servlets 4. Software Engineering Pearson edition By Ian SommerVille 5. Database wariness System by Ivan Bayross 7. 2 WEBSITES REFERED http//www. google. com http//www. wikipedia. com http//www. w3schools. com/css/css_examples. asp http//www. w3schools. com/js/default. asp http//www. jsptut. com/ http//www. roseindia. net/jsp/jsp. htm